Ghosts of War (2020) Review

Ghosts of War (2020) Review Dir. Eric Bress Horror / War Hybird simultaneously has too much of its cake and doesn ’ t eat enough of it. A cast of familiar faces are plagued by supernatural scares in Nazi Occupied France in this Netflix Horror movie. The set up is odd but it ’ s ambitions are amicable and for the first hour or so it certainly succeeds in blending them together in a tasteful and watchable fashion. I came into the film with an open mind, wanting it to succeed at its rather big intentions. Overlord in 2018 had previously mixed WW2 with horror, but had focused more on the zombie horror angle which has always been an easy combination. WW2 and ghosts on the other hand is a hard mix to get right. The cast are good, talented actors. Many of whom recognisable faces from TV series like Titans and Smallville. The characters they are playing here however, don ’ t merit such talent. Mostly archetypes; there ’ s very little done to distinguish ...