Top 10 Films of 2020

Top 10 Films of 2020 ETCinema Reviews It was a year unlike any other. While the World couldn ’ t always go to the movies in 2020, a lot of the movies often came to us straight on streaming. The selection of films that came out was significantly slighter than what was originally scheduled, with many of the biggest blockbusters being pushed back to next summer. But there were plenty of films to feast the eyes on this year nonetheless, and some really unique and quality visions were able to shine through and given more of a spotlight. Obviously I wasn ’ t able to see every single film, even though I had more time on my hands than usual, but I think I saw enough to give you a pretty definitive top 10. So here it is. My Top 10 Films of the year 2020: Honourable Mentions There were over 20 films that didn ’ t make my Top 10 this year. Some of which were nowhere near. There ’ s some I'd like to forget. But there were some films that just narrowly missed out, s...