Top 10 Movies of 2022

Top 10 Movies of 2022 ETCinema Reviews It’s been a while. While I haven’t been posting my reviews online, I have been no less of a film lover over the last year or so. I’ve still not been able to resist the urges to log and review my viewings on Letterboxd and many of the overviews in this list will be taken directly from my profile on there. As I’m relaunching ETCinema, I felt it necessary to share my Top 10 of last year so you can see what I’ve been up to. I’ve taken my time with the list and it’s changed dozens of times as I’ve tried to watch every good movie out there. Ultimately though, I wasn’t able to see everything (sorry Top Gun) so let me know what I missed out on. Some films narrowly missed the Top 10, while others have stayed in their position for months. Without further ado let’s start the list in reverse order from 10-1. These are all my opinions, so let me know your Top 10 below! 10) The Northman Aidan M...